Sunday, November 4, 2007
Harden Up
This is awesome. One day, I too hope I can publicly cry, whine, and snivel at a job I don't want to do. I understand that they don't want to come to Iraq - trust me, I do. But please spare me the dramatics. A death sentence? Seriously? I would give my left nut to be assigned to the Embassy in the Green Zone. I've been there, and I honestly didn't even feel like I was in Iraq. There is probably NO safer place in this country. Yet, these State Department guys stand up and whine like they just got a wedgy on the playground. I mean, you would think an official under public scrutiny would at least exhibit some amount of personal pride. Forget that their comments are like a kick to the groin to every service member over here; it's their utter lack of, well, manhood that just boggles my mind. How does this guy explain to his kids that he stood in front of God and Nation and cried about incoming rockets to the most heavily fortified area EVER, and then proclaimed it a death sentence. Does anyone else picture his lip quivering and his voice shaky as he says this? I don't know, maybe I am being harsh. But for crying out loud, have a little pride. State Department officials, you need to Harden Up!!
Now, I don't claim to know anything about their job or their feelings or anything else, and I don't really care. I am just talking about our nations representatives exhibiting complete cowardice in public. Obviously, it's not all of them, but Sadly, this is the public face now for the State Department. There is some really good discussion of this situation here, as well as a state department official's rebuttal. Interesting . . .
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2:51 AM
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A timely question to discuss at your next OPD
Jason: What are the appropriate actions and/or
responsiblities a subordinate must take to address a dubious policy of a debatable cause?
Shouldn’t the subordinate follow the oath he or she took when hired.
I think that's what Anon is getting at. Instead of airing their grievances publicly, these State Department guys should do what us int he military would - take it up with our Chain of Command and not go cryin go the press!
Anon - OPD was something we did on Active Duty but uh, not so much here with the reserve's . . .
One thing to bear in mind is that the most often quoted remarks ("potential death sentence") were made at as State Department "Town Hall" meeting.
Not at a press conference.
Not while carrying a sign at a protest march.
Also, it's weird seeing myself referred to as a "state department official."
I like to think of myself as a milblogger who's also an FSO.
Thanks for the linkage anyhow.
Did the State Department public affairs folks submit the recording of its Town Hall meeting to the media or was it a bootleg recording leaked to the press?
Are you suggesting that State Dept. should have tried to cover-up or squash the tape of a meeting where press was present?
Lesson #1 from Watergate (which someone at State has obviously learned): The cover-up will cause you more trouble than whatever you actually did.
Do the State Deparment public affairs folks routinely send copies of State Town Hall meetings to the media press or is this an aberration?
Apparently so, but that's a bit outside my lane so I can't confirm either way.
It's not like they're classified.
thanks for the insight. It would be interesting to know if your colleagues were briefed beforehand about the media release of their comments. The fallout of this embarrassing moment may inhibit free exchange of ideas at the next townhall.
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